Because your body is about 50-55% water, you can briefly change your weight with certain diet pills or crash diets but, you cannot control your body fat portion.
Most people who start a diet will usually be misled into thinking they have lost some real weight. The truth is the body loses water retention which fools you into thinking you have lost fat.
Weight loss pills like safflower oil supplements can trigger fat cell shrinkage. This makes them more effective than appetite suppressants that trigger weight loss through water release from the body.
To really see if you’re losing fat cells you need to monitor your true body fat portion. This is a more meaningful metric for evaluating physical fitness than monitoring your weight scale at home.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number determined from a person’s weight and height. BMI is used for producing stats from large groups of people and because function is considered a dependable indicator of body fat percentage for a whole population. You’re a population of one. Get the body fat calipers.
The U.S. Army developed a maximum allowable body fat percentage standard that is used for everyone in the military and is how athletes measure body fat currently.
Extreme body fat connotes an absence of personal discipline and can result in low self-esteem. It diminishes your appearance and is often a way of telling your personal health. For most extra weight means poor health, physical fitness or overall stamina.
The optimum allowed body fat portions for everyone as defined by the U.S. military can be seen below.
Optimum permitted body fat portions are categorized by age and gender. For males this is the breakdown:
Age 17– 20: Max Body Fat is 20%.
Age 21– 27: Max Body Fat is 22%.
Age 28– 39:. Max Body Fat is 24%.
Age 40 and over: Max Body Fat is 26%.
And for females:.
Age 17– 20: Max Body Fat is 28%.
Age 21– 27: Max Body Fat is 30%.
Age 28– 39:. Max Body Fat is 32%.
Age 40 and over: Max Body Fat is 34%.
Think about making your physical fitness goal a reduction in your BMI rather than your overall weight. Focus on getting your body fat percentage to the optimum allowable body fat percentage for your age and gender.
Determining your body fat percentage is simple, all you need is Fat Loss Monitor. You’ll find them in any health supply store or on There will be many to choose from but you do not have to spend a fortune. There are many for $15 – $30and come with a digital readout. The directions that come with the fat loss monitor are practical enough for you to take readings as accurate as you would get at the health club or the medical professional’s workplace.
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